NMArrigo Celebrate first anniversary in new Mriehel premises with Clovis Taittinger
Press releases
NM Arrigo jiċċentralizzaw il-ħidma amministrattiva fl-Imrieħel
NM Arrigo Ltd għadhom kif iċċelebraw l-ewwel sena fl-uffiċji l-ġodda tagħhom fl-Imrieħel.
Clovis Taittinger, direttur ta’ l-esportazzjoni tax-xampanja Taittinger, kixef lapida li tfakkar dan l-avveniment waqt riċeviment li sar għall-okkażżjoni. Il-familja Taittinger ilha tipproduċi xampanja fina għal dawn l-aħħar erba’ ġenerazzjonijiet.
Permezz tal-uffiċji l-ġodda, NM Arrigo Ltd ċċentralizzaw l-aspett amministrattiv. Il- kumpanija timporta prodotti bħal sigarri u sigaretti, xorb u prodotti famaċewtiċi.
Il-Fifa World Cup 2014 ġol-Brazil għażlet għall-ewwel darba ‘Champagne House’ bħala sponsor uffijċali tax-xampanja li se tkun servuta lill-personalitajiet distinti tal-FIFA waqt il logħbiet.
Għal din l-okkażżjoni Clovis Taittinger żvela souvenir li kien magħmul apposta.
Taittinger hija waħda mill-ftit kumpaniji li jipproduċu x-xampanja fid-dinja li għadha titmexxa mill-membri tal-familija. NM Arrigo Ltd hija l-kumpanja ewlenija li tirrapresenta lit-Taittinger f’Malta.
Clovis Taittinger From The Taittinger Dynasty Visits Malta
http://www.eve.com.mt/2014/06/26/clovis-taittinger-from-the-taittinger-dynasty-visits-malta/NM Arrigo Ltd has recently celebrated its first anniversary since the inauguration of its new offices in Mriehel. As the official representative for Taittinger Champagne products on the Maltese Islands, the Directors invited Mr Clovis Taittinger to visit Malta for the occasion.
Taittinger is one of the few champagne houses worldwide to remain owned and actively managed by the family named on the label. In fact, besides being Export Director for the champagne house, Mr Taittinger is also a fourth generation of the dynasty. During a reception for NM Arrigo’s staff and business partners, he unveiled a commemorative plaque to mark the event.
Mr Taittinger’s visit also coincided with a landmark association for the champagne house with the FIFA World Cup 2014 Edition in Brazil. It will be the first time in the history of the Games that FIFA has chosen a champagne house for the provision of champagne. Taittinger champagne will be served to guests in FIFA’s VIP and VVIP areas for the duration of the World Cup.
In order to commemorate this special achievement, Taittinger has released a souvenir edition in an elegant white and gold gift box, which features hologram footballs.
NM Arrigo also imports a whole array of products which range from premium hand-rolled cigars to a wide variety of wines, tobacco, spirits, and over the counter pharmaceutical products. The company’s new offices in Mriehel brings together the back office operations with its warehousing facilities, streamlining logistical operations and service delivery. The new warehousing facilities include a state-of-the-art storage facility highly suited for the organisation’s various products.
NM Arrigo Ltd- L-Ewwel Sena Anniversarju
NM Arrigo Ltd. għadhom kif iċċelebraw l-ewwel sena fl-uffiċini l-ġodda tagħhom l-Imrieħel. Is-sur Clovis Taittinger, Direttur tal-esportazzjoni tat-Taittinger Champagne, u li jagħmel parti mir-raba’ ġenerazzjontad-dinastija tat-Taittinger, inawgura l-uffiċini billi kixef plakka bħala tifkira waqt reception li sar fl-uffiċini stess.
Permezz tal- uffiċini l-ġodda NM Arrigo Ltd iċċentralizza x-xogħol ta’ kuljum. Il- Kumpanija timporta prodotti li jinkludu sigarri, xorb, sigaretti u anke prodotti farmaċewtiċi.
Il-Fifa World Cup 2014 ġol-Brażil għażlet għall-ewwel darba ‘ Champagne House’ bħala l-isposor uffijċali tax-xampanja li ħa tkun servuta lill-‘VIP’ tal-FIFA waqt il-logħbiet.
Għal din l-okkażjoni is-Sur Taittinger żvela tifkira li ġiet magħmula apposta.
Taittinger hija waħda mill- ftit kumpaniji li jipproduċu xampanja fid-dinja li għadha titmexxa mill-membri tal-familja. NM Arrigo Ltd hija l-kumpanja ewlenija li tirrapreżenta lit-Taittinger f ’Malta. Għal aktar informazzjoni tistgħu żżuru
NM Arrigo Ltd celebrate first anniversary in new Mriehel offices
http://maltatoday.uberflip.com/i/321747-mt-1-june-2014/37 NM Arrigo Ltd has recently celebrated their first anniversary of the inauguration of their new offices in Mriehel. Mr.Clovis Taittinger, Export Director for the Taittinger Champagne house and fourth-generation scion of the Taittinger dynasty, unveiled a plaque during a commemorative reception for NM Arrigo’s staff and business partners. The new NM Arrigo offices consolidate the back office operations with its warehousing facilities, streamlining logistic operations and service delivery. The new warehousing facilities include a state-of-the-art storage facility, encompassing the various products; such products range from premium hand-rolled cigars to a wide variety of wines, tobacco, spirits, and OTC pharmaceutical products. The visit of Mr. Taittinger also coincided with a landmark association for the Champagne House. The FIFA World Cup 2014 Edition in Brazil will be the first time in the history of the tournament that FIFA have chosen a Champagne House for the provision of champagne. champagne. Taittinger champagne will be served to guests in FIFA’s VIP and VVIP areas during the tournament. In order to commemorate this special achievement, Taittinger have released a souvenir edition in an elegant white and gold gift box featuring hologram footballs. Taittinger is one of the few Champagne Houses worldwide to remain owned and actively managed by the family named on the label.Interview with Monsieur Clovis Taittinger
Taittinger is one of the few champagne houses worldwide to remain owned and actively managed by the family named on the label.
Monsieur Clovis Taittinger was invited to attend an event organised recently by NM Arrigo Ltd to commemorate the first anniversary since moving to its new premises.
During this event, eve.com.mt had the opportunity to interview Monsieur Taittinger. As a fourth generation member of the world famous dynasty and holding the function of Export Director, Monsieur Taittinger gave us some insights into this incredible beverage.
- Can you explain the uniqueness of Taittinger Champagnes and what brings this about?
- Our champagne is very unique as it has family character and credibility! We use a lot of chardonnay grapes and our champagne is never barrelled so this produces a light champagne that is very easy and pleasant to drink.
- How do you market your brand? Do you associate your brand with luxury?
- We collaborate and sponsor major international luxury events and festivals where we provide the prizes, etc. We also support the Montreal Jazz Festival and other similar events. For the first time ever, FIFA chose a champagne house to provide champagne in the VIP and VVIP areas for the duration of World Cup 2014. We are proud to say that they chose Taittinger champagne for this occasion.
- Which was the best glass of champagne you have ever had?
- That’s an easy one. I am certain that the best glass of bubbly is the one I’ll have tonight!
- What does champagne make you think of?
- Luck, success, mystery and love.
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